Sergiy Arsenovych Demyanchuk
Leading implant surgeon of the Ukrselt Dental Center. Proficient in all methods of dental implantation, performs the most complex jaw surgeries, works with all existing orthopedic designs. He is a member of the international ITI implantology team (Itiinternational Team for Implantology).
Therapist dentist, orthopedic dentist, implant surgeon
Work experience
22 years
Kyiv Medical Institute, Dental Faculty, 2000.
Field of activity
Therapeutic dentistry
Dental implantation of any complexity
Tooth extraction, including "wisdom teeth"
Implant prosthetics
Additional manipulations before implantation (sinus lifting, alveolar ridge splitting, alveolotomy, etc.)
Aesthetic filling of teeth with photopolymer materials
Treatment of acute forms of caries
Performing tooth-saving operations
Treatment using dental laser
Advanced training
course "Orthopedic Treatment Planning";
seminar "Perfection embodied in ceramics";
Course "Reconstruction of the alveolar ridge with autogenous bone blocks."